Emil + Eva = MC2 (Miracle of the Covenant in Christ). We confirmed God's vision in our family. Our family is a MIRACLE, we admit God's provision in every steps of our life. It is based on the COVENANT that we made in CHRIST. MIRACLE will follow our day as we made our COVENANT in CHRIST. Keep watching GOD's MIRACLE in our life by continuing login to our blog. God Bless...

Monday, October 27, 2008

A New History has Made

We have made a new history here in Tainan, Taiwan. Started with a longing desire to see Indonesian Christian Students gather, we were trying to organize an event for it. Using the momentum of "Tainan Tour with students from Taichung" we formed KeluargA mahasisWA Kristiani Indonesia di TAiwan (KAWANKITA). We called our selves a family which are consist of Christian and Catholic students.

Last Saturday, Oct 25, 2008. We have made the first ever KAWANKITA fellowship. There were 22 students attended. They came from NCKU and STUT. It was surprised for a quite big number attended that meeting. We had wonderful time togerther, praising God and enjoying get to know each other. Overall, It was fun and enjoyable. We all agreed that we will continue this fellowship and had some of us take in charge about it.

It was ended well and everybody enjoy it. Thanks guys for all your hard work...keep be a History Maker in His story.