Emil + Eva = MC2 (Miracle of the Covenant in Christ). We confirmed God's vision in our family. Our family is a MIRACLE, we admit God's provision in every steps of our life. It is based on the COVENANT that we made in CHRIST. MIRACLE will follow our day as we made our COVENANT in CHRIST. Keep watching GOD's MIRACLE in our life by continuing login to our blog. God Bless...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Walking in God's Calling

How many of us usually claim that God called them?? Proudly speaking about God's calling in our life sometimes can be bias. How many of us can survive till the end? Or we just quit in the middle of our journey.

Let's take some quick lesson from Israelites. When God called Moses to lead his people out of Egypt, God really serious about it. The first respond of Moses was he needs some one who are good in speaking, then God sent Aron for him. As we know, the story told us that God brought them out with His Mighty hands. And yet some of them keep on murmuring in their journey. Then, we know the rest of the story, Moses and his generation did not enter the Canaan. Only, Joshua n Caleb' generation could enter the Canaan.

Some quick lesson from this story:

- When God calls, it means that He will take care and responsible for everything. Yes, sometime we are not ready. It's too sudden, too risk and too difficult to achieve. If we are in this situation, I believe that we never into the point of 100% trusting God. Because we like to compare to our past and always asking for "readiness" to walk in God's calling. This is the first step of trusting God. Like the Israelites story, even God had given them manna and meat in the desert; still it did not satisfy them. Remember this; If you walk with God in this step, God will always give you ENOUGH. Yes, sometimes it does not satisfy you but keep walking and trust Him.

-When God calls, it means He has something GREAT at the end of the Journey. God called the Israelites out of Egypt to the Promise Land. The end of the journey is Promise Land, the Land fulls with milk and honey. Moses and his generation did not fix their eyes and focus on God's Promise. They were busy with their daily needs, what would they eat? what would they wear?? etc. And what happened? When they were facing the people of Canaan, they were afraid because they look back to their physical condition and forget that the Mighty God was with them.

-When God calls, It means that He has fixed His eyes on you, He trusted you. This also applied when God called Moses with his people out of Egypt. God has put his trust to His people that they can walk through any kind situation to the Promise Land. But, what happened, even they had walked away. God still faithful, He rose new generation of the Israelites who can really enter Canaan. Joshua and his generation did it.

There will be a time when you walk with God in the "under cover". No body recognize you, just like Israelites walk in the desert. Jesus in his first 30 years, no body recognize him. This is the phase when God trains us, molds us, and purify our heart. Be patient because there will be something GREAT at the end. Even that nobody looks and counts you...keep walking...

"Be A History Maker in God's story; reach your promise land"