November 4, 2007 in Yogyakarta we had our wedding officially held in front of God and His people. It was the prove of God's miracle. We saw how God worked and made all those things possible. E=MC2; Emil + Eva= Miracle of the Covenant in Christ.
Today we celebrate our FIRST anniversary, what a wonderful moment. Although we are separated in this moment but we confirm that God is in control of our marriage, our family. Looking back what He has done really make us full of abundant praises to our God. HE is REALLY a GOOD GOD.
We start our family in the mids of our adventure and our journey in following God's will in our life. Philippines was the first place we went right after our wedding ceremony. Trusting God that He will never forsake us. Indeed, it was TRUE. We spent each day as Miracle Day walk with Our God. There is no enough word to describe how God works in our life.
God is not stop there, He led us to Tainan. It was far beyond our imagination that we can come to Tainan, Taiwan. Looking at our situation that time, it seems impossible. But again our God has prove that NOTHING impossible with HIM. He made everything beautiful in His Time. This included when we discovered that Eva's visa is non-extendable. We questioned God, why does He let this happen? We found that still He is under control. Back to our covenant (E=MC2), we realize that Miracle happened when we fully hold our covenant in HIM. No matter is the real situation, we have to stick on it.
Yes, we are separated today for a while. This will not make us lose our vision. We have agreed that we will fight till the end, till we see God's Glory reveal through our family. The Journey is still there....what ever happen a long it...just believe that Emmanuel; God with us. There will be more Miracles in the next coming years.....
應當稱謝耶和華;因他本為善,他的慈愛永遠長存!1 Chronicle 16:34
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