Have you ever taught how Jesus choose His disciple? Why didn't he choose some one who is educated and trained well ? Aren't it that most of his disciple fisherman? Even He chose Judas Iscariot "a thief" to be one of the twelve and lastly betray Him. When Jesus chose His disciple; He just came back from wilderness and has overcome Satan. As I ask my self about what Jesus did, there are few questions pop up in my mind. What are the criteria that Jesus apply? How come He chose those who untrained to convey His Great Mission?
He knew from the beginning who will become His disciple. He chose those who are "uncounted" according to this world. A person who does not have what this world has. He did opposite way. Later on, these disciple become "History Maker" that could able to convey His Great Commission.
Just as we are, when we are called to be His disciple. We are nothing from the beginning. He chooses us not because what we have done or who we are; He chooses us because He loves us and He wants that His Glory to be revealed through us. Often times, I ask God: "Why me??? Why not he or she?? He even better than me......"
Just as Rev. Reinhard Bonke says in his preaching that we are just big zero (0) and Jesus is the number one (1). When we close after Him then it will become 10, then another will close it will be 100, 1000, 10000, 100000..........He makes us valuable, because He died for us. If I stand alone, then I am nothing just ZERO (o).
Then, I said to my God; "If you have chosen me, then I want to be a History Maker. I do not want to be an ordinary person." It seems ambitious but I know with Whom that I am walking with. No matter what people said, I still want to be History Maker. Remember that this month we have witnessed an impossible thing just happened. A first Black American has been chosen as a President of United State of America. It is impossible from the beginning but It is Possible. A new history has been created, just like Obama said; "Chance can Happen". Indeed it happened.
Just remain on what God has put in our heart. He chose you and me because He has a task that we need to complete. Remain faithful, obey and be alert till the end. He never care about who you are and what is your background. He only care that He has chosen you to be History Maker.
Case 39
14 years ago
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