Emil + Eva = MC2 (Miracle of the Covenant in Christ). We confirmed God's vision in our family. Our family is a MIRACLE, we admit God's provision in every steps of our life. It is based on the COVENANT that we made in CHRIST. MIRACLE will follow our day as we made our COVENANT in CHRIST. Keep watching GOD's MIRACLE in our life by continuing login to our blog. God Bless...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Give Thanks

This week, people celebrate a Thanksgiving day. It is a time to give thanks to the Lord who created heaven and earth. It is easy for us to give thank when everything is went well. When we have what we desired. But still many people found it is hard to give thanks. Especially in this time, when a global crisis happened and affect our life. I have heard some stories because of it. People suicide and some are in the very difficult situation now worry if they will be terminated from their work because of the crisis.

Let us think for a while. Just have a time to think how many good things that God has given to us. Think about the day that He has given, people that stand behind us supporting what we are doing now. Our family and friends are people that we can give thanks for. How are they keep on beside you, supporting you and accepting you even when you failed. How precious are them. Then the new day that God creates; sun, moon, stars, trees, animals and all of our surrounding. What a beautiful day that we have everyday. How much more when God sent His only Son Jesus to die for you?

Isn't enough reason for us to give thanks?? What if we don't have all of that anymore? Everyday looks very dark and boring. Give thanks in all time because God is Good all the time.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Will I survive???

Will I survive?? Perhaps you will have the same question also. Looking back to what God had done for us and our current situation right now, really make me think about this question: "Will I survive?" Why that we have to go through this situation again?? All the past experiences are not enough for us??? Those questions bothering me these few days.

Today, as I went to our cell group meeting. We learned about faith and trusting God. God reminds me something. He reminds me about why did He send me out. Many prophecy told that our journey will be like Joshua and Caleb. Just like Israelites walked through the wilderness. They walked with God and always enough even in the wilderness. But why don't all of them enter the Canaan, only Joshua and Caleb could make it. Only two of them survive.

I know that God has called us to walk through the journey that He has for us. It seems that we are gone through the wilderness, and have to reach the Canaan. I was reminded that we still in that journey and God is with us. We need to grow in our faith and believe that there is "Canaan" at the end of this journey. It is not an easy task though in fact many give up. We have to reach the end of this journey.

Yes, faith that believe even when we never see it. Believe that God is with us even in the wilderness. Believe that with Him we can overcome the "giant" in our journey. Believe that there will be a blessing in our obedience.

Will I survive? It depends on how much I trust Him and having faith in Him. Just like Joshua and Caleb, they focus on God's promise and they arrive in the PROMISE LAND.

Keep on moving.....no matter your surrounding, fix your eyes to the PROMISE LAND....then you will get there......

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Yes.....I Can...You Can....We Can.....

Have you ever taught how Jesus choose His disciple? Why didn't he choose some one who is educated and trained well ? Aren't it that most of his disciple fisherman? Even He chose Judas Iscariot "a thief" to be one of the twelve and lastly betray Him. When Jesus chose His disciple; He just came back from wilderness and has overcome Satan. As I ask my self about what Jesus did, there are few questions pop up in my mind. What are the criteria that Jesus apply? How come He chose those who untrained to convey His Great Mission?

He knew from the beginning who will become His disciple. He chose those who are "uncounted" according to this world. A person who does not have what this world has. He did opposite way. Later on, these disciple become "History Maker" that could able to convey His Great Commission.

Just as we are, when we are called to be His disciple. We are nothing from the beginning. He chooses us not because what we have done or who we are; He chooses us because He loves us and He wants that His Glory to be revealed through us. Often times, I ask God: "Why me??? Why not he or she?? He even better than me......"

Just as Rev. Reinhard Bonke says in his preaching that we are just big zero (0) and Jesus is the number one (1). When we close after Him then it will become 10, then another will close it will be 100, 1000, 10000, 100000..........He makes us valuable, because He died for us. If I stand alone, then I am nothing just ZERO (o).

Then, I said to my God; "If you have chosen me, then I want to be a History Maker. I do not want to be an ordinary person." It seems ambitious but I know with Whom that I am walking with. No matter what people said, I still want to be History Maker. Remember that this month we have witnessed an impossible thing just happened. A first Black American has been chosen as a President of United State of America. It is impossible from the beginning but It is Possible. A new history has been created, just like Obama said; "Chance can Happen". Indeed it happened.

Just remain on what God has put in our heart. He chose you and me because He has a task that we need to complete. Remain faithful, obey and be alert till the end. He never care about who you are and what is your background. He only care that He has chosen you to be History Maker.

Yes....I can...You can...We can....

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Now We Know

God's time is the perfect time. That is true, because we experience it. Do you remember when we have to separate because of visa problem. At first, we were confused; It was unfair for us. We fight and it seems that God led something uncomfortable happen in our life. Eva had to go back to Indonesia. We questioned God why that He led this happen.

Last two weeks, we heard that Eva's mother sick. It was an old sickness and the doctor there can't really tell what is the sickness. So they have to bring her to Jogyakarta from Bangka Island for a better medication. When she arrived there, she has to be hospitalized and Eva spends her time with her. It was not on the plan before and God just make it on time. There is no body available for taking care of her. All her children are busy and only Eva's brother stay in Jogyakarta. This is why God sent Eva back to Indonesia.

Yes, we confirmed that. It is because Eva has to spend her time with her mother and taking care of her. The most important thing that we pray so God can do His miracle for saving her mother and all the family. Her mother has not become born again yet. It is out pray that God will use this time for it.

Now we know that God never do a mistake. He made everything just on His Time. He can always find the reason to let something happen in our life.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My 1st anniversary with my lovely hubby

Hidup terasa indah jika kita menjalaninya dengan orang2 yang kita cinta. And my life now bisa dikatakan kayak gitu. Meski suamiku sayang sedang belajar di negeri orang dan aku terpaksa mengungsi hanya gara2 urusan visa, toh aku mengucap syukur dengan kondisi keluarga kecilku.

setaun adalah sebuah petualangan yang sarat dengan pembelajaran. Di Manila dengan segala kekurangan, rumah kontrakan yang ga terlalu besar, tapi God menjagai dan memelihara kami sedemikian rupa.

Dalam segala kondisi yang ada (seadanyalah bisa dibilang) tapi aku salut ma my hubby. Dia ga ijinkan situasi memenjarakan mimpi dan visi yang udah God tanam dalam hatinya. Aku beljar banyak dari my hubby. Intinya kalo punya visi sebesar apapun itu harus diperjuangkan. kalo orang aja bisa ke bulan, ga ada kesulitan yang ga bisa diatasi..itu selalu slogan my hubby. TOP B..G..T DEH

aku salut liat perjuangan kami setaon ini. salut ma God utk apa yang udah Dia kerjakan. n bangga liat apa yang God taruh dalam hati suamiku. Aku rindu God pake keluarga kecil kami jadi alat untuk mengabarkan Injil Kerajaan Allah kepada banyak orang.

for my lovely hubby, thanks for being de one who always there when I need u. U teaches me many things. I always excited to see how God will send miracles to our small family cos I know for sure that there will be always miracles on covenant in Christ

My E=mc2, you are my lovely man forever.... Pelolope, happy anniversary ya.....

The FIRST Anniversary of E=MC2

November 4, 2007 in Yogyakarta we had our wedding officially held in front of God and His people. It was the prove of God's miracle. We saw how God worked and made all those things possible. E=MC2; Emil + Eva= Miracle of the Covenant in Christ.

Today we celebrate our FIRST anniversary, what a wonderful moment. Although we are separated in this moment but we confirm that God is in control of our marriage, our family. Looking back what He has done really make us full of abundant praises to our God. HE is REALLY a GOOD GOD.
We start our family in the mids of our adventure and our journey in following God's will in our life. Philippines was the first place we went right after our wedding ceremony. Trusting God that He will never forsake us. Indeed, it was TRUE. We spent each day as Miracle Day walk with Our God. There is no enough word to describe how God works in our life.

God is not stop there, He led us to Tainan. It was far beyond our imagination that we can come to Tainan, Taiwan. Looking at our situation that time, it seems impossible. But again our God has prove that NOTHING impossible with HIM. He made everything beautiful in His Time. This included when we discovered that Eva's visa is non-extendable. We questioned God, why does He let this happen? We found that still He is under control. Back to our covenant (E=MC2), we realize that Miracle happened when we fully hold our covenant in HIM. No matter is the real situation, we have to stick on it.

Yes, we are separated today for a while. This will not make us lose our vision. We have agreed that we will fight till the end, till we see God's Glory reveal through our family. The Journey is still there....what ever happen a long it...just believe that Emmanuel; God with us. There will be more Miracles in the next coming years.....

!!!!Happy FIRST Anniversary!!!!!

應當稱謝耶和華;因他本為善,他的慈愛永遠長存!1 Chronicle 16:34